Caucho Technology
  • resin 4.0
  • resin 4.0.1 release notes

    • CanDI major refactor to match major changes to the JSR-299 specification.
    • Servlet 3.0 early access implementation, including replacing Resin's experimental comet support with Servlet 3.0 async
    • Quercus Pro support for other application servers, and increased support for Google App Engine.
    • Stability and performance work for clustered caching and sessions

    Resin 4.0.1 Overview

    The focus of Resin 4.0.1 development was the following:

    • CanDI major refactor to match major changes to the JSR-299 specification.
    • Servlet 3.0 early access implementation, including replacing Resin's experimental comet support with Servlet 3.0 async
    • Quercus Pro support for other application servers, and increased support for Google App Engine.
    • Stability and performance work for clustered caching and sessions

    Resin 4.0.x is the active development branch. Due to the addition of new features, it may be more unstable than the production branch.

    The 3.1.x branch is the stable branch.

    Servlet 3.0 Early Access

    Resin 4.0.1 has implemented the Servlet 3.0 draft specification as an early access release. Importantly, Resin's server push/comet support has changed to the Servlet AsyncContext model. Developers who have used Resin's experimental comet API should see the new comet using AsyncContext tutorial. Future Resin versions will concentrate on the AsyncContext API and will eventually drop the experimental API.

    Resin 10,000

    Resin's concurrent connections have been tested up to 10,000 simultaneous keepalive connections and 10,000 simultaneous Servlet 3.0 AsyncContext connections on Linux systems. Resin's direct support for Linux EPOLL enables this large-scale keepalive support.

    Java Injection (JSR-299, CanDI)

    The Java Injection specification has been updated considerably from Resin 4.0.0 to Resin 4.0.1. Most of the spec changes have been on the SPI side with a complete new SPI for custom configuration.

    The packaging has also changed, with the main package now being javax.enterprise.inject.

    The CanDI project page gives more information, including a link to a CanDI tutorial.


    We've added /resin-admin features to improve visibility to the server, development and debugging, and adminstration.

    A new "graphs" tab lets you view recent statistics from the servers. When viewed from the first triad server, statistics from all the servers in the cluster are available.

    A new "SQL" tab allows you to browse the schema and make queries to any configured database pool in the server.

    A new "Wizards" tab helps new users configure various parts of the server by showing XML syntax and options. Currently only database pool configuration is supported, with other wizards coming in future releases.


    The command-line to start Resin now requires an explicit "console" for console-mode, because some users were using unix background processing instead of using the "start" command.

    The watchdog-Resin socket now uses HMTP/BAM for communication. On shutdown, this lets the watchdog close Resin gracefully before forcing an exit.

    Distributed Deployment

    The distributed deployment reliability has been enhanced by adding automatic retry on restart. If a triad server is not yet available when a server starts, Resin will continue retry the server until the triad is up and available.

    Ubuntu/Debian 64-bit packages

    .deb packages are now provided for both Resin Open Source and Resin Professional for 32-bit and 64-bit x86 architectures.

    Quercus: Availability on other Application Servers

    Quercus Professional is now available on any JavaEE application server with the quercus-pro.war download.

    Copyright © 1998-2011 Caucho Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
    Resin ® is a registered trademark, and Quercustm, Ambertm, and Hessiantm are trademarks of Caucho Technology.