Caucho Technology
  • resin 4.0
  • release notes

      Resin 4.0.18

      Resin 4.0.17

      Resin 4.0.16

      Resin 4.0.15

      Resin 4.0.14

      Resin 4.0.13

      Resin 4.0.12

      Resin 4.0.11

      Resin 4.0.10

      Resin 4.0.9

      Resin 4.0.8

      Resin 4.0.7

      Resin 4.0.6

      Resin 4.0.5

      • JSP for JavaEE 6 Web Profile passes TCK
      • Hibernate second level cache
      • @TransactionScoped
      • Windows setup.exe/resin.exe refactor
      • java.util.logging Handler integration with CDI
      • distributed session store bugs

      Resin 4.0.4

      • Pass Servlet 3.0 TCK for JavaEE 6 web profile
      • com.caucho.resin.ResinBeanContainer for embedded Resin use
      • com.caucho.junit.ResinJUnitRunner for embedded junit use
      • Quercus support for PHP 5.3 Namespaces
      • Quercus support for PHP 5.3 Closures

      Resin 4.0.3

      • LoadBalancer/backend protocol synchronization issues (both Resin load balancer and Apache)
      • @com.caucho.ejb.SessionPool is a class annotation for stateless server beans that specifies the size of the stateless session pool.
      • HMTP/BAM internal refactor.
      • Hessian performance improvements to use low-level reflection when possible.

      Resin 4.0.2

      • CanDI updates to match changes to the JSR-299 and JSR-330 specifications.
      • Servlet 3.0 early access updates
      • Continued EJB Lite development
      • Clustered/Cloud .war deployment enhancements, including staging, versioning, and ant/maven tasks.
      • Regression (QA) cleanup and stress test work to bring Resin 4.0.2 up to a production level.
      • WebSocket, HMTP and JMTP support.
      • JMS clustered singleton queue and clustered topics
      • /resin-admin support for REST-based management tools such as nagios.
      • Enhanced /resin-admin monitoring to better illustrate the server status.
      • HTTP Proxy and FastCGI load balancing with failover.
      • Eclipse plugin enhancements.

      Resin 4.0.1

      • CanDI major refactor to match major changes to the JSR-299 specification.
      • Servlet 3.0 early access implementation, including replacing Resin's experimental comet support with Servlet 3.0 async
      • Quercus Pro support for other application servers, and increased support for Google App Engine.
      • Stability and performance work for clustered caching and sessions

      Resin 4.0.0

      • Resin 10,000
      • Java Injection (JSR-299, CanDI)
      • Distributed Deployment
      • Distributed Caching
      • Dynamic Server Deployment
      • Clustered Session Refactor
      • Distributed JMX
      • Eclipse plugin
      • Maven Jar Project Repository
      • Rewrite redesign
      • FastCGI support
      • Security Redesign
      • Management services
      • JMS
      • BAM updates and refactoring
      • Win32 OpenSSL
      • Quercus: PHP on the JVM
      • PHP on Google Application Engine

    Copyright © 1998-2011 Caucho Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
    Resin ® is a registered trademark, and Quercustm, Ambertm, and Hessiantm are trademarks of Caucho Technology.