Caucho Technology
  • resin 4.0
  • resin 4.0 reference

      Starting Resin

      You can start using Resin by simply expanding the archive, and starting Resin with a Java command line.

      Installation - Install Resin on Unix, Windows, and Mac OS X
      Command Line «ref» - Command line arguments to the Resin server
      Watchdog «ref» - Resin's watchdog process manages Resin servers and checks status for reliability.
      Apache HTTPd «ref» - Using Apache HTTPd with Resin
      IIS 7 Plugin «ref» - Using Microsoft IIS 7 with Resin


      Resin 4.0 introduced a number of new features and capabilities over earlier versions of Resin. Along with these changes, configuration and some operating semantics changed. Certain configuration was deprecated and should be removed or rewritten using newer constructs.


      The /resin-admin web-app provides an administration overview of a Resin server. Resin-Pro users can obtain information across the entire cluster, profile a running Resin instance, and obtain thread dumps and heap dumps.

      All Resin users should familiarize themselves with the thread dump, profile, and heap capabilities.

      web console - The web-based Resin administration console
      command line - The Command Line Resin Administration


      Overview - Overview of Resin's clustering, load-balancing, elastic-computing and distributed caching features
      Clustering Tags Reference - Resin clustering and load-balancing tags reference
      Clustered Deployment Reference - ANT and Maven clustered deployment API reference


      Resin uses a tag-based xml configuration file, usually as resin.xml, for declaring all available options. In addition, Resin supports EL variables, expressions and control structures.

      Overview «ref» - Overview of Resin configuration
      CanDI - XML configuration for Dependency Injection services
      EL «ref» - EL expressions used in configuration


      Resin provides a robust and tested connection pool that is used to obtain connections to databases.


      Resin provides a wide variety of custom packaging and deployment options.

      .git overview - Overview of the clustered .git deployment
      deploy tools - ant and maven deployment tool reference


      Description and configuration of Resin's high-performance HTTP web server.

      HTTP server «ref» - Resin's built-in, high performance HTTP server
      Virtual Hosts «ref» - HTTP Virtual Host configuration for multi-host sites
      Rewrite «ref» - Resin's URL rewriting capability, replacing mod_rewrited sites
      Proxy Cache «ref» - Resin's built-in proxy cache


      Resin includes a powerful and configurable system for monitoring application server health and graphing performance metrics.

      Health Checking - Health checks, conditions, and remediation actions
      Meters - Statistic graphing with meters


      Resin can perform access logging, specify where JDK logging interface messages go, and redirect the stderr and stdout for your applications.


      Overview - Overview of security concepts
      authenticators - Authenticators for Resin server
      authentication method - Authenticators for Resin server
      authorization - Authenticators for Resin server
      SSL - Integrating OpenSSL and JSSE

      Scheduled tasks

      Resin's <resin:ScheduledTask> capability lets you schedule events using a flexible cron-style trigger. The task can be any Runnable bean, a method specified by EL, or a URL.


      Advanced and technical concepts useful for an in-depth understanding of Resin.

      classloaders - Resin classloader architecture
      jmx - JMX management

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